FliprGo Reverse Software – Reverse Hardware to follow – Le matériel m’appartient. Si je veux l’améliorer, je peux.

- 140 msg/j -> 1 msg/15mn
- Total number of 0 bytes messages for a 1200mAh battery = 19 156 messages @ 600 bps
- If in France we are at 100 bps in this frequency (868.xx), 
  mean battery draining must be multiplied by 6 and adding 24 bytes more
- Sigfox Message : "9e01 c807 5905 3705 5902 0d0e"
- RawOxydoReducPotentiel = 1369; //0559 Dec/2 = 684.5 mV
- RawPhSensorVoltage = 1992; //07C8 Int = 1992 mV
- RawTemperature = 414; //019E Dec/16 = 25.875 °C
- RawConductivity = 1335; //0537 Int = 1335 S/m²
- MesureId = 601; //0259 Int = 601 noUnit
- RawBatteryLevel = 3597; //0E0D Int = 3597 mV
Used extrapolation formulas:
Redox E mV = 715 + 50 x (7-pH) + [300 + 50 (7-pH)] x log10 Cl ppm
Soit : https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=V+%3D+715+%2B+50+x+(7-P)+%2B+%5B300+%2B+50+(7-P)%5D+x+log10+(C)+for+C
Calibration made with pH4 & pH7 initialisation,
Only depend of swimming pool type declaration for bromide or chloride
Just give supposed Chlore or brome from the formula above.
Salinity from PSS78
Comme je suis gentil, je vous livre l'équation utilisée par Flipr (et les autres:
Brome has nothing to do with Redox 
Comme je suis gentil, je vous livre l'équation utilisée par Flipr et les autres:

BlueTooth Low Energy Messages