BURSTCoin for 403 Forbidden @forums.burst-team.us

Working pool @ http://priveyes.freeboxos.fr:82

Burst Pool, blocks explorer for Burstcoin Banned users – Rewrited to work with Nodejs v6 & v7 Accepting IPV4 & IPV6 indefferently.

Dont use the latest AIO wich include 1.2.8, or :

NEW : Some modifications are made in version 1.2.8 conf ! Most of them concern peers (and for our concern, peers where we are banned) IE :

# A list of well known peer addresses / host names, separated by ‘; ‘.
# If not set, a random selection of nxtcrypto.org and nxtbase.com nodes is used.
nxt.wellKnownPeers= <- Put that empty !!!

# NEW These peers will always be sent rebroadcast transactions. They are also automatically added to wellKnownPeers, so no need for duplicates.
burst.rebroadcastPeers= <- Put that empty !!!

# Known bad peers to be blacklisted
nxt.knownBlacklistedPeers=pool.burstcoin.biz <- We are banned from there, and from many others…

# NEW Transactions that aren’t confirmed for this many blocks start getting rebroadcast.

# NEW Transactions being rebroadcast get rebroadcast every this many blocks until they are confirmed.



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[Bitcoin] 1DvS9gpR6MEBki87Uu1PAiv9heeopRnbPg
Special thanks to:

OMG i cannot believe someones forked lex’s pool code. (wich has forked uray code)

SOELexicon commented:

-> v5.12.0/ is the latest you can use from what ive been told from other users. FALSE !

Recommanded use for Windows (x64)

I (SOELixon) personally used 4.7.1
V6 upwards breaks it as theres a lot of change’s. such as ones to hasownproperty on query’s only and the way callbacks are handled.

-> Removed all credits, and his dev fee and removed all backwards comparability for his prior users.



Une réflexion sur “ BURSTCoin for 403 Forbidden @forums.burst-team.us

  1. Ghost II Draco666 ->

    OMG i cannot believe someones forked lex’s pool code. removed all credits, and his dev fee and removed all backwards comparability for his prior users.

    im betting this is the same guy who tried to ruin lex’s credibility in the forums calling him a copy and paste coder. yet he copy and pasted lex’s code.

    you should be ashamed of yourself. lex is a respected member of the community and he put in loads of work fixing the ghost block issue the original uray pool had huge issues with. and spent money out of his own pocket trying to fix them.

    also are you going to give the users remote support for these versions like lex did with his. cause we cant expect him to support a release he didnt write!.

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